Є відповідь

Hide element trouble

Melissa Lind 10 років тому оновлено Ezra Weinstein (Administrator) 10 років тому 5
I want the element to fadeout and in once and then dissapear on page load. The element blinks but does not hide after blinking. Is this correct:

Image 177

Image 178


Є відповідь
Try to use a chained behavior rather than the delay before.
Є відповідь
Try to use a chained behavior rather than the delay before.
With a chained behavior, what would I use to make the delay?
By definition a chained behavior occurs after the first behavior.  If you still need a delay then add a delay before the second action set or after the first one, but regardless try using chained behavior.
The problem here was that you made the FadeOutIn to Replay one time, so after the first time the behavior is triggered, it will replay one more time. That will take 1 second but you have the Hide behavior set to 500ms so the Hide behavior will interrupt the FadeOutIn behavior.