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Thanks Inna

Can you give me an estimate on when this will be fixed?

We are launching our stories at the end of December and I would prefer to keep it to text, but will change to a graphic element if it is not finished in time.


It's quite unusual.

The files in my file explorer are named in a specific sequence. However, when I import them into the frame the file name is changed. 

For example, let's say I have a dog that has 5 frames in it's animation. The 5 images in my file explorer are named 6.png, 7.png, 8.png, 9.png and 10.png. (please see screenshot below)

When I select the dog and check the frames they are now named 46.png, 47.png, 48.png, 49.png and 510.png.

Is having the file names be numbers causing this issue perhaps? Is there a way to change the frame file names in InteractBuilder after the images have already been imported?

It is a set of separate png files.
Thank you very much. It's working now.