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 Thank you Alin. I changed the Visible on Runtime to yes, and it does finally work. Although in Interact mode it does take 2 clicks to make the thumbnail menu appear. Would it make a difference if I change the order of the menu buttons? It could be the engine big switch over you all are doing on your end, that is causing this delay in bringing up the menu thumbnails.

I think that the instruction in the User guide needs to change to reflect what you recommended that I do to the menu buttons. They both need to be visiable in runtime. See attached screen shot from the user guide.
I checked and the page properties is set Yes, to Show Global Element. I'm sending you the app via Dropbox.
The removal of the commas absolutely took care of the problem with the element manager. Thank you!
I will definitely go and rid that title of it commas! And I will surely remember this "rule" in the future.
Thank you all who have helped me here. I very much appreciate it!
Well, it's not going well. I seem to be having an issue with the text element. Graphic elements are fine, as I'm applying them first. Ther are only 2 graphic elements. But as soon as I add text elements, the element manager doesn't want to open in either location.
I just replaced the builder through the link you sent. I opened my book and the same thing with the element manager shows up on page 12. No difference. I deleted pg 12 and am rebuilding that page. I'll let you know how that goes.
No. After I log in and click "Download Now" it takes me to the membership upgrade page. There isn't a link to download the Builder. This same thing happened earlier this month. Ezra had to send me a direct download link. I can't do it from the Interactbuider website.
I have a mac. I am unable to recieve a download of the Builder from the link you sent me, either before log in or after. This has happened before.
Could you please instruct me the correct way to do that? The last time I did attempted an uninstall, I couldn't reinstall.