Your comments

adding things in individually seemed to work (vs importing the PSD). In the future, I think I will try importing first and then if I have issues I will start replacing elements individually. This will add time, but not sure what else to do. Let me know what you think or if you have any other tips.

update: I started deleting elements one or two at a time and testing to see if anything helped. Once I got around to deleting the sun element and the arm waving element things started to work OK. The layer with the boy's shirt showed up now. I'm not sure how to proceed. I will try adding the element back in individually (vs as part of a group imported in the PSD file).
I just created a new app book for a test. I added the sky background, the sun and boys face and an animation of expression changing. I added action sets to sun to spin and stop spinning and face expression to change with tap. Everything worked fine.

How do you suggest I proceed finding the trouble with my original app book file? Do you think it's an element that's causing the problem (of elements not showing up and action sets not working in Interact mode)? Or something else?


Yes, set to be visible.

Here is what I did:
Original page had several action sets which worked fine (examples: tap cloud and the cloud moves slowly to right. Touch boy and his arm waves and expression changes via 2 different animations) .

With your help we troubleshooted the problem with the element manager not working (comma in layer name was causing problem).

I deleted all elements so I had a blank page (element manager was then also blank).
I imported new PSD file (one with the comma removed from layer name)
Assigned the same action sets to the elements (the best I could remember). I also used the elements manager to change the layer order of a couple elements.
Result: Looks good in Design mode, element manager working now. But, now 3 layers/elements disappeared and all actions do not work in Interact mode:
- The arm waving animation and the face expression animation do not show up.
- The shirt element does not show up
- no actions work, even on the elements that do show up (cloud, sun...)


Your advice for the color workaround worked great. Thank you!. Now onto the problem of layers not showing up and interactions not working
another problem: Ugh, the fun never stops! I am having two more problems I hope you can help me with:

1. When I go to interact mode some layers disappear (visibility is off?). Note, two of the layers that are missing are animation layers that I changed the layer order in the element manager (arm wave and expression Hello). And the third missing layer is the "Shirt-Body" layer, which I did not move but I did move the arm wave layer under this layer. Everything looks good in design mode, but those layers disappear in interact mode.

2. the interactions I applied to elements (obviously the elements that have disappeared and some elements that are visible (sun, clouds...) ) do not work.These interactions have worked in the past.

-I restarted IB.
- I rebuilt the page from scratch. Importing new PSD file of most of the elements and adding the arm wave and face expression animation elements second.

Two screen shots attached (Design mode and Interact mode).
Thanks in advance,