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Hi, Alin.
The player is 3.4.3 published on February 25, 2014.  The builder is  3.4 released on February 20, 2014. Thanks!
Hi Alin!
Folllowing the previous comment, I did share my complete app.  Even if I had no error msg when uploading, it did report three missing zip files while downloading.  When I opened it, the global scroll menu set had altered all the memory-game pages, as well as animations in between.  I deleted the global feature in it.  Upload it again.  Games were recovered, some animation were not.  The scroll menu does not stay within the constraints (both, image in the back and thumbnails).   When jumping back to a page, the frame animation in it was gone and some tap interactions were vvveeerrrryyyyy ssssllllooowwwww! 

H e l p!
I will try to do this.  Thank you, Judy!!
Thanks! I did and so far...so good.  I could upload without error reports and download in the iPad without msgs of missing zip files.

Now, I will try the same with my real app.  If I encounter any issues, I will let you know.

Thank you again!

Hi Alin!.  I did and while uploading the following image appeared.

I have noticed this same error in the app that I was referring to.  This was just one page app with a 36-page animation and a 6sec audio.  Before opening it in the iPad, I reinstalled the Player.  A missing zip file error appeared and the frames ran without music.

Advise? Comments?? Solutions???

Many thanks!