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Loading a single page works much better, but it still takes a minute or two. I know it's only a minute or two, but that's a minute or two longer than it took in IB3.

Now, when I share the app with myself so I can test it out on my iPad, it only lets me share the most recent page that I interacted with. And when I try to re-share it with myself (hoping to see a different page), the website says I'm already sharing the app with myself and won't let me re-share it.

Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?
Alin, I just shared my app with you. If you'd like to email what you figure out to my personal email, you can respond to that. Either way, thank you for taking the time time figure out what's going on with my app and helping me prep it for publication.

Thank you very much for the instructions and video. They both made it crystal clear for me on how to make this interaction happen with what I'm working on. And now I can get it to work perfectly!

Hey Alin,

I got lost at step 4. I've tried multiple different attempts at creating the right intersection, but nothing's working. Can you please create a sample app video to walk me through the steps? Thanks for your help.

Alin, you're a genius! It took me a while to add a Global Counter (the User Guide on InteractBuilder was useful), but once I figured that out, your steps worked perfectly. Thank you very much for your help!